Thursday, September 08, 2005

It's filmed in Shropshire, you plonker

Tomorrow BBC1 shows the first episode of The Green Green Grass, a situation comedy spun-off from Only Fools and Horses.

Give or take the occasional Frasier, these spin-off shows don't have a great track record. Nor was I a great fan of Only Fools, though I did like Grandad's comment on Sidney Poitier:
That Sydney Potter's a good actor, ain't he Rodney? ... always plays the black fella.
The reason I am mentioning the new show is that it was filmed in south Shropshire. So even if it is not funny, the scenery will be beautiful

Look out in particular for the Horseshoes Inn at Bridges between the Stiperstones and the Long Mynd. And for more Shropshire pubs, explore this wonderful map.

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