Friday, January 07, 2011

Six of the Best 120

David Boyle was taught by Christopher Jefferies, whom the tabloids originally made chief suspect in the murder of Joanna Yeates. On The Real Blog he writes: "As the days wore on, and he remained in custody, and the column inches grew, I came believe that those civilised values were under attack, maybe not so much by the police – I don’t know what was going on in their investigation – but by the rest of society, and by my own profession."

Caron's Musings feels quite envious of Nick Clegg today.

Britain-Votes looks at the polarisation and regionalisation of British politics: "If it were not for the Coalition, David Cameron would have only one MP in Scotland, and therefore Scots would rightfully question the legitimacy of their policies. Similarly a government featuring Labour would suffer legitimacy issues in England, where the Tories won a majority."

I wrote my Masters dissertation about Richard Jefferies.  Nick Barlow at What You Can Get Away With has been reading him too.

Stephen Tall haz cute kittenz pics - that's Mia above.

Talking of photographs, Railway Eye has an extraordinary one of the icicles at the mouth of Willersley Tunnel near Matlock Bath on Christmas Day.

1 comment:

  1. I knew I'd seen Jefferies mentioned somewhere on a blog, but couldn't remember where. Hope my uninformed ramblings about him weren't too bad.
