Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Six of the Best 401

LibDem Policy Wonk has an extremely unofficial list of target seats for the Liberal Democrats at the next general election.

Nick Boles's idea of a new National Liberal Party doesn't add up, argues Alun Wyburn-Powell on Democratic Audit UK.

Sustainable Review has good news: "Excess heat from the London Underground will be captured and used to heat local homes, the Mayor of London ... has announced. The initiative will see the existing Bunhill Heat and Power heat network extended to supply a further 500 homes in Islington with cheaper and more sustainable heating."

Talking of the Underground, Urban Ghosts shows us 13 abandoned stations and disused stations.

Jonathan Meades remembers meeting Anthony Burgess in an audio on The International Anthony Burgess Foundation website.

Psychogeographic Review looks at Marshland: Dreams and Nightmares on the Edge of London by Gareth E. Rees: "A world that stretches out from the few hundred acres of Hackney Marsh in East London, into an infinite universe of myth and imagination."

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