Sunday, January 12, 2014

Dave Christie: Penelope Breedlove

I can discover nothing about the singer of this very 1968 song. Even Marmalade Skies calls him "the mysterious Mr Christie".


  1. Samuel Cameron17 July, 2021 11:37

    ok i know this is a long time later but can this possibly be the same
    person Wikipedia says is a French singer called Jacques Pepino at birth
    though does not list this as one of his records.
    i was expecting it would be somebody of the Tony Burrows ilk but it
    seems not to be.

  2. That's spooky: I had already decided to choose Beach Baby as tomorrow's music video when I read your comment.

    Google suggests the singer's real name was David John Wilcox, but he remains resolutely obscure.
