Dean Atcheson famously said that Britain had lost an empire and not yet found a role. The same problem seems to be afflicting Nick Clegg.
Earlier this week the Telegraph reported:
Nick Clegg has the worst voting record in the House of Commons, according to new parliamentary analysis looking at MP turnout since the general election.
The former deputy prime minister has failed to cast a vote in almost 90 per cent of all divisions called in the Commons since May 7.The case for the defence, as made by "Mr Clegg's spokesman, runs
"Nick Clegg has taken part every time he felt it was possible that his vote could make a difference to the outcome, such as the crucial vote on military action in Syria.
"Otherwise, he has devoted his time to serving his constituents in Sheffield Hallam and to issues that he cares deeply about, including social mobility, drugs reform and Britain's place in Europe.
"The first six months after a general election are untypical and Nick expects his voting record to improve in the months ahead."A spirited attempt, but can you imagine what the local Liberal Democrats would be saying about a Conservative or Labour MP with such a voting record?
Last year's general election results must have been a terrible shock to Nick, but then it was to many other people Lib Dems who have had to get on with their jobs since.

Nick needs to find his mojo and find it soon. He should not be providing easy ammunition for the likes of Peter Bone. He is better than that.
Be careful what you wish for.