Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Lord Bonkers' Diary: The bitch was blameless

We travel to the West Country with the old brute today and encounter nuclear power and an unforunate episode in Liberal Party history.


You join me upon a windswept cliff overlooking the Bristol Channel. It is here at Hinkley Point that Britain’s latest power station is soon be constructed. Under an agreement devised by our own Ed Davey, a constant stream of lorries will arrive bearing high-denomination banknotes. These will then be burnt by the plant’s Chinese owners to generate electricity and we shall pay them more than generously for so doing. It is clear the Wise Woman of Wing did not negotiate that deal.

And so on to a deserted stretch of moorland road above Porlock Hill where I lay a simple floral arrangement in memory of Rinka. Whatever the ins and outs of the Thorpe Affair, the bitch was blameless.

Lord Bonkers was Liberal MP for Rutland South West 1906-10.

Earlier this week in Lord Bonkers' Diary:

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