Monday, March 21, 2005

I'm a pinko lily-livered liberal

Thank you to Peter Cuthbertson at Conservative Commentary for adding me to his blogroll under the heading "The Enemy Within". And an even bigger thank you to him for calling me "a pinko lily-livered liberal".

It's a great relief. In July of last year a Mr Broadbent from Sutton in Surrey wrote to Liberal Democrat News saying of me:
Surely he is not a Lib Dem - he seems to be a fairly extreme libertarian more at home in the Conservative Party or perhaps New Labour.
I'm not sure political philosophy is Mr Broadbent's strong suit. Even so, it's nice to have my pinko credentials confirmed.

1 comment:

  1. "he seems to be a fairly extreme libertarian more at home in the Conservative Party or perhaps New Labour."

    Don't they have irony in the UK ? I thought this might be a fairly good example.
