Wednesday, July 20, 2005

First Church of Christ the Pedant

Through my door comes a leaflet from the Kettering Christadelphians. It says:
God and his son Jesus Christ hold the answer to ALL lifes (sic) problems.
I am going to found an Apostrophic Church to put a stop to things like this. I am not sure what it will look like yet, but here is a picture of the decrepit former Apostolic Chapel at Pontesbury Hill in Shropshire


  1. hillarious! apostrophic church...

  2. While we're about it, I propose to found the Church of the Upper Case, to deal with the grammar in the previous comment.

  3. Does no-one here other than me care about the spelling atrocity going on under our very noses?

  4. The Kettering Christadelphians may not have all the answers but they are surprisingly interesting when you get speaking to them, not really like the mainstream.
    (Sorry about this being Anonymous but I don't have a blogger account.)

