Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Select committee looks at cricket rights

The Keep Cricket Free site points us to the page announcing the culture, media and sport select committee's inquiry into broadcasting rights for cricket:

The Culture, Media and Sport Committee has decided to inquire into the acquisition of broadcasting rights for cricket, including Test Matches played in England.

The Committee is particularly interested in receiving evidence on the following:

  • The availability of cricket coverage to television and radio audiences throughout the United Kingdom;
  • The commercial procedures governing the acquisition of broadcasting rights, and constraints imposed by the statutory framework within which they operate;
  • The importance of the income and exposure associated with broadcasting rights in fostering excellence and participation in cricket.

Written submissions are invited from any interested organisation or individual by Friday 11 November 2005. Please forward written submissions by email to cmscom@parliament.uk.

1 comment:

  1. Clearly they have the legal right to do so. And I am not a great believer in abstract moral rights, particularly esoteric ones like "the right to broadcast sporting events on subscription television".

    My case is a pragmatic one: I think having a monopoly provider on subscription TV will be bad for cricket and I want to put pressure on the cricket authorities to prevent them doing something so silly in future.

    I think a law to force sports bodies to deal with more than one broadcaster would be a good idea - Liberals are allowed to be keen on anti-monopoly legislation.

    The campaign wants the government to intervene and overturn the new contract with Sky. I cannot see that happening even though there have been recent reports that it takes a close interest in the way football rights are sold.
