Friday, March 17, 2006

Lib Dem Deputy Leadership vote

According to a posting on the uk.politics.electoral group, nominations have closed and the three candidates are:
  • Vince Cable
  • David Heath
  • Matthew Taylor
Liberal England says: Vote Heath.

Later. See here for the result.


  1. No female candidates? I'm disappointed. I hoped that Susan Kramer would stand.

  2. David Heath - stunning on the Terrorism Bill. I hope he gets the job.

  3. Rob F, I'm sure that Vincent Cable is as credible candidate as David Heath. But on the other hand Cable already has a prominent role in the front bench.

  4. For the benefit of those of us who haven't noticed David Heath much (and I don't recall seeing much of him at all during the bloodbath and leadership election of the last two months) could you tell us some more about him?

  5. See some of the comments on David Heath here.
