Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Razzall skedaddles

Tim Razzall has resigned as chairman of the Liberal Democrats' Campaigns and Communications Committee. ePolitix reports:

A party spokesman said Lord Razzall, the man behind the Lib Dems' election strategy for the past two general elections, was standing down because he felt it was "time for a change".

The spokesman said the peer had decided to step down now in order to give his replacement time to settle into the role before a possible snap election.

He said Lord Razzall would continue to advise party leader Sir Menzies Campbell, and nominations for his replacement will close on June 22.

So did he jump or was he pushed?

Some sources are obviously better informed than others. Today's Guardian Backbencher e-mail, sent out at 17:06, confidently announced:

Rumours that Ming has mercilessly sacked Lord Razzall from his post as Lib Dem campaigns chief are, the Backbencher hears, completely untrue.

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