Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Market Harborough: No. 8 with a bullet

The Daily Telegraph has published its top 10 small towns in Britain, and my home town is at number 8:

Market Harborough thrives on its position in the centre of England. Once there were coaches, if they could struggle through the sticky clay; now the train service takes only an hour to London. (In first class, Midland Mainline serves weary commuters with a restorative glass of wine to ease the transition between work and home.) As its name suggests, Harborough (as they call it) has always lived on trade. It is the sort of place where you can still find a good set of fire irons.

You can buy fire irons here, but this is not clay country. Another one of those foolish writers who is convinced that the Midlands are flat?

It's a reasonable list, though I would have put Bishop's Castle at number 1.

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