Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Kenneth Horne

Another centenary to celebrate. The other day it was W. H. Auden: now Harry on Crooked Timber points out that Kenneth Horne was born on this day in 1907.

I wrote at length about the great radio comedian and his father - who was a Liberal MP - in an earlier posting.


  1. And they are repeating lots of his stuff on BBC Radio 7 just now.

  2. There was a great tribute programme on Radio 4 yesterday which you'll be able to listen again to for the next few days.

    It wasn't too badly spoiled by being fronted by Jimmy Carr. You'd hardly have known it was him. Or maybe I wasn't properly awake.

  3. Ah, Mr Horne. How bona to vada his dolly old eek.
