Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Stalking Norman Baker badly

Our attention has been drawn to Norman Baker Watch, a site which seems to have been set up to damage the exemplary Lib Dem MP for Lewes. Given that its chief complaint against him is that he is too active on his constituents' behalf, I cannot see it working.

Liberal Democrat Voice suggests that the site's obsession with Parliamentary questions means it is being run from the office of another MP. That may well be the case.

Whoever is writing it does not know much political history. The site tries to embarrass Norman by noting David Icke's support for his campaign for a proper investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly.

If you are going to use Icke to embarrass Liberals, why not mention that at one time he was being seriously lined up as our candidate for the Isle of Wight?


  1. Some people obviously have very little to do

  2. The blog's author is clearly a Zeta Reticullan. Maybe it's the Queen.
