Sunday, August 26, 2007

Lord Bonkers' Diary: Sunday

And so the week comes to a close:

Seeking respite from the hurly burly of the film festival, I go for a walk beside Rutland Water. I soon find myself in country I do not know well and the shore becomes unusually rocky for this part of the world.

Eventually I come across a fellow wearing one of those hooded tops that are all the rage nowadays; he happens to have a chess set and challenges me to a game. I rather drift in the opening, and he soon obtains a strong attack. However, he rather overreaches himself and I find myself two pawns up. I return one of them to reach a textbook rook and pawn ending, and duly force his resignation. He gathers up his set and stomps off mumbling.

So to the Hall, where there are crumpets for tea.

More from Lord Bonkers on his own website and on this blog.

1 comment:

  1. The great Tarrasch is supposed to have said that all rook and pawn endings are drawn.
