Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mike Gravel for President

Yesterday Da Fink pointed us to to the Candidate Calculator. This is a site which asks for your views on a range of issues and then tells you whom you should support as the next President of the United States.

Taking the test, I found I should support the Democrat former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel. I have a 91.67 per cent match with his views.

I have to confess that I have never heard of Mr Gravel. But I wish there were a British politician I was 91.67 per cent in agreement with.


  1. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/04/AR2007090401794.html

    This is a profile of Gravel. Ultimately it's a sad portrait of a man who has political passion, but little means of influencing people. But well worth a read if you want to find out more about him.

  2. 92% Gravel for me.

  3. ... it would appear that if they have a chance of winning, I agree with them 68%. Biden, Obama, Clinton and Edwards all came out the same. Decisions, decisions...

  4. I got Kucinich first, at 92%, with Gravel just behind on 90%. It's interesting that these are the two front-running candidates on the site, given that's it's a website aimed at members of the US military.

  5. I suspect there may be a slight bias on the part of the creators that means a British perspective on the war comes out highlighting different characteristics to those of the Democrats. After all, the front runners have to be careful of Republican smear tactics, and insinuations of being wimpish on national security.

  6. I got Gravel 100%. I thought it was a joke, but I guess we really do see eye to eye.
