Saturday, September 08, 2007

Welsh Lib Dem leadership contest

The BBC reports:
Liberal Democrats have fired the starting gun on a contest to lead the party in the Welsh assembly.
The party's Welsh executive, meeting in Powys, has decided anyone who wants to challenge incumbent Mike German must declare their candidacy by 14 October.

If there is a contest among the party's six AMs, the results will be declared by the end of November.
We all know that the well-known blogger Peter Black AM has his ambitions, but this story shows North Wales AM Eleanor Burnham playing what she obviously believes will be a valuable card:
"I'm a Welsh-speaking north Wales Liberal Democrat and as such I think we have a lot of work to do to assure the north Wales membership that we are doing what we can."

1 comment:

  1. Sadly my main ambition is to have a quiet life whilst the Welsh Liberal Democrats win elections. However, the two aims do not appear compatible.
