Saturday, October 20, 2007

Live from the Stiperstones Inn

In January I reported that a wireless network had been installed in the Stiperstones Inn as part of a scheme to bring internet access to remote parts of rural Shropshire. I decided to investigate the scheme on your behalf.

I am writing this post in the pub, a half of Stirling from the Three Tuns brewery in Bishop's Castle at my elbow, and I can report that the network works very well.

The Stiperstones Inn also has a female cat called Skittles, incidentally.


  1. My works office is just down the road and we have been using this facility regularly since it started. This broadplace was introduced by the then LibDem / Labour / Ind administration at Shirehall of which I was but a part. The Stiperstones Inn has always provide a warm retreat, but you can't beat good food & a pint while you do your emails etc.

  2. Ah! Happy memories of a pint in the Three Tuns.

  3. You may find this project interesting at Hayfield in the Peaks. Community based and now in year 5.
