Thursday, December 27, 2007

Nick Clegg, God and the truth

This is bizarre. Truly bizarre.

From The Bolton News:

Bolton Council chief Cllr Cliff Morris says new Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg made "a big mistake" in telling a radio show he did not believe in God.

Mr Clegg answered "no" when asked the question in a rapid-fire BBC Radio 5 Live interview.

But Cllr Morris, a committed evangelical Christian, who is an Elder at the Hebren Christian Church in Mayor Street, said: "I think he has made a big mistake and I don't know why he has said it."

The only interpretation I can put upon Cllr Morris's words is that he believes that Nick should not have answered the question truthfully.

If that is where being a "committed evangelical Christian" gets you, I am glad I am an atheist.


  1. I expect Cliff Morris was getting some stick in his church. As an evangelical, he should prefer an honest atheist to a dishonest hypocrite.

    Check out Mr Gladstone's viewpoint:

  2. Does it matter what he says

  3. It is curious how some illiberal some liberals can be. Surely freedom of religion (including lack of faith) has to be a key fundamental to Liberalism? And politically we are effectively in a multifaith secular society despite State and Church not being seperate.
