Thursday, May 22, 2008

The website that thinks Tamsin Dunwoody is a Lib Dem

When the Henley by-election is called, a lot of people searching for news of it will find ThameNews.Net. That website - "the first port of call for ALL THINGS THAME!" - had better raise its game quickly.

Take this news report:
Boris's Lib Dem apponent goes to Crewe to give support

The Liberal Democrat's Parliamentary Candidate for the Henley constituency that includes Thame, has travelled to Crewe to support Tamsin Dunwoody, his party's candidate in today's by-election.

Stephen Kearney is the Liberal Democrat candidate for the expected Henley by-election...
Oh dear:
  1. Stephen Kearney can hardly be Boris's apponent - or even Boris's opponent - because the by-election will be called when Boris resigns as MP for Henley.
  2. Tamsin Dunwoody, as any fule kno, is the Labour candidate in Crewe and Nantwich.
Still, apart from that...
Later. The posting has been corrected, at least in part. Well done.