Sunday, June 01, 2008

Statcounter is down

STOP PRESS: It's back!

Statcounter - the free service that tells me how many people are reading this blog and how they reached it - has been down for a couple of days. I just get "This program cannot display the webpage", but this graphic from Around the Corner explains what is going on.

So now, like the writer of that blog, I have withdrawal symptoms. And I am convinced that no one is reading this blog.


  1. It is being read... But probably only be people like me searching for answers as to why I get a "Page Cannot Be Displayed"

    From what I can make out it's something to do with a fire... So not really something they can be in control of.

    I know how you feel though, it's as if someone has turned the lights off and you can't see whats happening on your site, lol.

    I'm sure they'll be back up soon enough.

    Dean - -

  2. Don't fret, your Lordship -- we're still reading you.

  3. Thank you for this information. I've been worried that they suddenly went out of business. Far-fetched I know but I'd rather think of the worst-case scenario and be very relieved when it isn't the case.

  4. If you read the comments on my blog, you'll see that there was a fire at the server hosting site. They're trying to recover...disaster recovery.

    Take care,

  5. gostats is a more reliable service than statcounter - plus you aren't limited to 100 hits like statcounter is.

  6. These days you get a log of the last 500 hits.

  7. Hi Jonathan,

    Thanks so much for your patience with us as we worked through the recent difficulties, we really appreciate your support.

    Full info is available on our blog:

    All the best!

  8. well, it's June 9th, I'm in the USA and I STILL get blank white pages when I try to access Statcounter. I can't even get to the Forum or Help section. However, I did find a phone number for them and tried calling. The number disconnects. If you can't get to the Help page in order to email them, how are we to contact them? I looked at other statcounters around, but I like the stats on this particular Statcounter. Does anyone have an emal address for them?

  9. Rachael

    Try: USA: +1 601-605-6175 from 8:00am - 5:00pm CST

  10. Thank you, Jonathan, I will try that number tomorrow! Cheers!

  11. Update....phoned Statcounter, just get a recording so I did have to email them. That was pretty useless. They keep emailing me with some type of form letter, asking about my OS and browser, which I reply to, but then get the same questions again. It's too bad their Support Help is no help at all. I can't seem to make them understand everything was fine with Statcounter until the outtage, and no amount of deleting cookies, clearing caches, changing browsers, has solved my problem. Ah well....

  12. Statcounter kept giving out conflictiung excuses in early June, about either switching to a better system or there was some big data loss, etc. But the bottom line is that either way they should have gotten their site back up long before now.

    They've been "in a cyber-coma" since early June and this is already mid-August. I'm not holding out much hope for them ever coming back if they're still dead by September 1. That's when I'll be forced to pull the plug on them for keeps.

  13. they definately seem to be out for the count, but I'm still getting the email reports that I set up and now I've taken off the code from the page, it's always 0s. Fine but dead annoying that I can't login to switch these useless reports off. How long before their switch off the machines altogether?
