Thursday, August 21, 2008

Who's Who in the Liberal Democrats

Jo Christie-Smith is inviting entries for the new edition of Who's Who in the Liberal Democrats:

Who’s Who in the Lib Dems is not just for Parliamentarians and the great and the good, they are already covered in the Lib Dems website (and even better on the new Lib Dem website that will be coming soon and I’ve had a sneak preview of). No, Who’s Who in the Lib Dems is also for the rest of us, who whilst happy to do our bit and deliver focuses, would like the rest of the party to know that we can do more than that and our experience, skills and knowledge outside the party may be of use, if only somebody would listen!

Well, here at Who’s Who in the Lib Dems online, we’re listening. So please, add an entry, whether you’re a parliamentarian, a member of staff, a councillor, a party office, a blogger, an activist or a member who wants to stand up and be counted.

There is no charge but - not unreasonably - you have to be a Lib Dem member.

It is a great book. I like it so much that I have two entries.

1 comment:

  1. I trust Nobby Shuttleworth is in there as well.


