Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Escaped beaver menaces Cornwall

Metro reports:

A search is under way to try and recover a beaver which escaped from a farm and is now felling trees, a conservationist said today.

The six-stone animal managed to escape from Upcott Grange Farm in Lifton, Devon, and is now believed to be taking down trees 20 miles away on the banks of the River Tamar near Gunnislake, Cornwall.

1 comment:

  1. The animal is, as the man who lost it said on radio, during just what comes naturally: harvesting for food the newest twigs on the young trees, and at the same time managing woodland for us (thinning it out so that germinating saplings don't grow up to choke the forest). Except that we don't any more have forests on the banks of many of our rivers... Not such a Happy New Year for the beaver, as his female companions are already back in the pen - or perhaps he is enjoying his freedom.
