Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gaza: Does the BBC have a death wish?

Having outraged Daily Mail releases over Jonathan Ross, the BBC now seems determined to do the same for Guardian readers. Soon there will be no one left with the motivation to speak up for it.

The Independent reports:

Hundreds of protesters are expected to gather outside Broadcasting House in London today after the BBC defended its decision not to broadcast a public appeal to raise funds for Gaza.

The corporation said the decision was taken with other broadcasters not to show the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) crisis appeal because of impartiality concerns. There were also doubts about the delivery of aid in such a volatile situation, the BBC said.

Speaking on the radio this morning, Caroline Thomson, the BBC's "chief operating officer", waffled and was unable to give a reasoned defence of the corporation's position. In particular, she could not explain why the BBC was a better judge of whether aid can be delivered than the experienced charities who form the DEC.

But don't despair. As someone said at the time of Manuelgate, when faced with complaints the BBC has no middle position between arrogant dismissal and abject surrender. We are still at the first stage.



    THANK GOD Jewish communities around the world are at last coming to their senses! Killing unarmed civilians, men, women and children with missiles, bombs, white phosphorus, or a bullet through the head is a criminal act - A WAR CRIME. No amount of propaganda from the Israeli embassy will alter that fact. These atrocities are not done in the name of ordinary Jews and we condemn these acts, outright. Judaism expressly forbids such terrible killings. Please use your voice to get President Obama to STOP THE SALE OF ARMS TO THE MIDDLE EAST NOW - tanks, planes, cluster bombs, white phosphorus, guns and spare parts.

    Let this senseless brutality cease! Do NOT support the killing of any civilians – particularly children. It is an act against God.


    Jan 22nd, 2009

    “We Shall Not Be a Party to Their Counsel!”

    As human beings, we are shocked and appalled at the mass destruction unleashed by the State of Israel against the people of Gaza in its current military operation, following years of Israeli occupation, siege, and deprivation.

    As Americans, we protest the carte blanche given Israel by the US government to pursue a war of “national honor,” “restoring deterrence,” “destroying Hamas,” and “searing Israel’s military might into the consciousness of the Gazans.”

    As progressives, we reject the same justifications for the carnage that we heard ad nauseam from the supporters of the Second Iraq War: the so-called “war on terror,” the “clash of civilizations,” the “need to re-establish deterrence” – all of which served to justify a misguided and unnecessary war, with disastrous consequences for America and Iraq.

    But as Jews of different religious persuasions, from Orthodox to secular atheist, we are especially horrified that a state that purports to speak in our name wages a military campaign that has killed over 1,000 people, a large percentage of them civilians, children, and non-combatants, with little or no consideration for human rights or the laws of war.

    While the moral and legal issue concerning Israel’s right to respond militarily in these circumstance can be debated, there is near-universal agreement that its conduct of the military operation has been unjust and even criminal – with only the usual apologists for the Jewish state disagreeing.

    As Jews, we stand united with another Israel, the patriarch Jacob, who cursed his sons Simeon and Levi for massacring the people of Shechem in revenge for the rape of their sister Dinah. Like Jacob, “we shall not be a party to the counsel of zealots. We shall not be counted in their assembly. (See Genesis 34. 49: 5-7).

    As Jews, we stand united with the Jewish sages who rejected the zealotry of the Jewish “terrorists” at Masada, those who masked ethnic tribalism in the cloak of “self-defense” and “national honor.”

    As Jews, we listen not only when the sage Hillel says, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” but also when he says, “If I am only for myself, what am I?” Hillel’s closing words also ring true in this hour of decision when a full cessation of conflict is demanded of both sides: “If not now, when?”

    Finally, as American Jewish progressives, and as human beings, we condemn Hamas and Israel for violating the human rights of civilians on both sides, although we do not necessarily declare these violations to be morally or legally equivalent. We affirm the rights of both Israeli and the Palestinian peoples to self-determination and self-defense, as we affirm the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

    Rabbi Leonard Beerman
    Rabbi Brant Rosen
    Rabbi Rebecca Lillian
    Rabbi Haim Dov Beliak
    Tony Judt, NYU
    Howard Zinn
    Brian Leiter, Wilson Professor of Law, Univ. of Chicago
    Irena Klepfisz, Barnard College
    Adam Rubin, PhD, HUC-JIR (Los Angeles)
    Mark Le Vine, UC Irvine
    Daniel Garber, Princeton, Philosophy dept. chair
    Ned Block, Silver Professor, NYU
    Gideon Rosen, Princeton
    Matthew Noah Smith, Yale
    Aryeh Cohen, PhD, American Jewish University
    Ilya Kliger, New York University
    Paul Loeb
    Alice Rothschild
    Murray Polner, former editor, Present Tense
    Larry Yudelson
    Jerome Slater, SUNY Buffalo
    Joanne Yaron, World Meretz
    Chana Bloch, UC Berkeley
    Marilyn Hacker, CCNY
    Rita Karuna Cahn, UC San Francisco
    Nance Goldstein, University of Southern Maine
    Gordon Fellman, Brandeis Univ.
    Harry Mairson, Brandeis University
    David L. Green, University of Illinois
    Stephanie Sieburth, Duke
    Priscilla Wald, Duke
    E. James Lieberman, M.D., George Washington University School of Medicine
    Norbert Hornstein, University of Maryland
    David Auerbach, Univ. of N. Carolina, Raleigh
    Joseph Levine, Univ. of Mass., Amherst
    Shari Stone-Mediatori, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.
    Ido Roll, Carnegie Mellon Univ.
    Philip Wadler, University of Edinburgh
    Assaf Oron, Univ. of Wash.
    Clare Solomon, Washington Univ.
    Judith Norman, Trinity Univ.
    Steven Bell, Berry College
    Charles Manekin, Univ. of Maryland
    Richard Silverstein, Tikun Olam
    Dan Fleshler, Realistic Dove
    Dan Sieradski, Orthodox Anarchist
    Bram Hubbell, Friends Seminary

    Ilana Abramovitch, Ph.D.
    Kate Abramson
    David Adler
    Dina Afek
    Delmas and Sally Allen
    Tracy Allen
    Marshall Ansell
    Paul Ansell
    Harry Appelman
    Darwin Aronoff
    Jesse Bacon
    Sonia M. Baku
    Walter Ballin
    Adam Barolsky
    Kathy Barolsky
    Tsela Barr
    David Basior
    Elliott Battzedek
    Elizabeth Biele
    Peter Belmont
    Nicolas M. Benacerraf
    Lori Berlin
    Judith Berlowitz, Ph.D
    Murray & Marcia Bernstein
    Nancy Bernstein
    David Eugene Blank
    Alan L. Blitz
    Hedy Bookin-Weiner
    Elisa Bowyer
    Sallye Steiner Bowyer
    Dennis Brasky
    China Brotsky
    Ellen Brotsky
    Robert Browne
    Patricia Carmeli
    Rina Chomsky
    Liza DiPrima Cibula
    G Sherman Cole
    Mariani Didyk
    Pioter Drubetskoy
    Ann Colleen Dunham
    Bacia Edelman
    Carole Edelsky, PhD
    Steven R. Edelstein
    Dr. Amy Eisenberg, Center for World Indigenous Studies
    Lynne Eisenberg
    Liz Elkind
    David M. Ellis Ph.D
    Anita E. Feldman
    Andrew Felluss
    Eva Ferrero
    Raya Fidel
    George Figdor
    Daniel Fisher
    Terry Fletcher
    Dr. Chris Fox
    Stephen Saperstein Frug
    Racheli Gai
    Ellen Garvey
    Doris Gelbman
    Myles Gideon
    Jim Glionna
    Roberta Gold
    Mary Goldman
    Daniel Goldstein
    Julius Gordon
    Bruce Gould
    essica Greenbaum
    Kathy Grisham
    Sherrl Grosse Yanowitz Rogall
    Kay Halpern
    Tony and Hillary Hamburger
    Lawrence R. Hamilton
    Peter Handler
    Hasibul Haque
    Wendy Hartley
    Glen Hauer
    Katherine Herman
    Dr. Annette Herskovits
    Hanna J. Hoffman, PhD
    Jack Holtzman
    Rebecca Hughes
    Nomi Hurwitz
    Barbara S. Kane, PhD, LCSW
    Ilene Kantrov
    Wendy Kaufmyn
    Aimée Kligman
    Susie Kneedler
    Judith Kolokoff
    Steve Kowit
    Rebecca S. Krantz, PhD
    Judith Laitman
    Sheldon H. Laskin
    Betsy Lawrence
    Mirna Lawrence
    Shamai Leibowitz
    David Leipziger
    Jack Leiss
    Oded Adomi Leshem
    Yossi Levanoni
    Jeremy Levick
    John F. Levin
    Rebekah Levin
    Joan Levitt
    Mary-Lee Lutz
    Marsha C. Manekin
    Richard Manekin
    Gideon Manning
    Yitzhak Y Melamed
    Alan Meyers
    Gert Meyers
    Katya Miller
    Sherin Miller
    Susan Miller
    Daniel Millstone
    Sarah Anne Minkin
    Cary Moskovitz
    Rick Nagin
    Dorothy Naor
    Germana Nijim
    Sara Norman
    Joel Dansky
    Henry Norr
    Leonard Bruce Novick
    Diane O’Bannon
    Elijah Oberman
    Miller Oberman
    Abigail Okrent
    Benjamin Orbach
    Dr. Stephen Oren
    Tova Perlmutter
    Karen Platt
    Lynn Pollack
    Dr. Betty Potash
    Harriet Putterman
    Joyce Ravitz
    Susan Ravitz
    Deb Reich
    Avram Rips
    Mara Rivera
    Lee Robinson
    Jennifer Rose
    Dorah Rosen
    Ellen Rosner
    Sue Rouda
    Novelle Saarinen
    Lawrence Saltzman
    Meg Sandow
    Linda Siegel Sang
    Marlena Santoyo
    Karl Schaffer, PhD
    Cindy Shamban
    Wendy Scher
    Madeline Schleimer
    Eugene Schulman
    Kayla Schwarz
    Janet Settle
    Lee Sharkey
    Dr Peter Sheridan
    Brian S Sherman
    Meryl Siegal
    Jessica Siegel
    Rich Siegel
    Earl Silbar
    Marc Silverstein
    Shayna Silverstein
    Miriam Simos
    Jeffrey Sklansky
    Laura Sklarsky
    Jerome Slater
    Kathrin Smith
    Daniel Sniderman
    Louisa Rachel Solomon
    Talli Somekh
    Nicole Witte Solomon
    Dr. Wendy Elisheva Somerson
    Doug Sparling
    Neta Stahl
    Aaron Stark
    Burton Steck
    Jane Stein
    Mark Stenzler
    Mae Stephen
    Lynne Strieb
    Danny Stone
    Robert Stone
    Shirley Stone
    Debbie Stone-Bruell
    Uri Strauss
    Leslie Sudock
    Yaakov Sullivan
    Michele Sumka
    Cecilie Surasky
    Lois Swartz
    Amir & Roni Terkel
    Theodore Warmbrand
    Tom Weltsch
    Janis G. White
    Robin Winogrond
    Rachel Farrell Wofsy
    Bruce Wolman, MD
    Michael J. Zigmond

  2. According to a Radio 4 news bulletin this morning (2009-1-25), the government has now made things even worse for the BBC by calling for the corporation to change its mind. BBC surely cannot be seen to bow to government pressure, however worthy the cause.

  3. CT was indeed dreadful. Why do we pay these people?
