Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Tomorrow's Daily Telegraph looks at Lib Dem MPs' expenses

From the Daily Telegraph website this evening:

Like MPs from all parties, Liberal Democrats have used their expenses to carry out lavish decorating work and refurbishment of their second homes, often putting the stamp duty and legal costs associated with buying their houses on their expenses.

Expenses claims submitted by 12 Liberal Democrats, from senior spokesmen to a number of backbenchers, will be disclosed, with some of those involved having already volunteered to pay back some of the money.

The Telegraph also says that "a number of senior figures in the party have volunteered to refund the taxpayer after being challenged over claims which they now admit were unacceptable".

In one case, a frontbencher spent thousands of pounds on furniture, including a rocking chair and sofa-bed, over the course of a few days in the run up to the deadline for submitting her expenses.
Later. More details here.

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