Friday, August 21, 2009

Steve Winwood at Cropredy

Look what I missed by going to Swindon. The Oxford Times review of this year's Cropredy festival said that for many Winwood's appearance was the highlight:

The ex-Traffic man opened with I’m a Man and instantly showed why he has long been regarded as the ultimate musician’s musician. Members of his top band were given all given opportunity to indulge in lengthy solos, with the man himself seemingly as brilliant on guitar as keyboards.

Thankfully the sound system was worthy of such high-class musicianship as Winwood opened wide a stunning back catalogue with electrifying performances of Higher Love, Dear Mr Fantasy, Gimme Some Lovin’ and Low Spark of High Heeled Boys.


  1. It may have been the highlight 'for many' but I don't think that was the general view.

    The 'lenghty solos' came across as self-indulgent - there is a limit to how much bongo soloing you can listen to before it gets repetitive.

    Did he do 'Gimme Some Lovin'? I must have already fallen asleep by the time that one came on.

  2. Being able to sleep through Gimme Some Lovin' is not something to boast about.
