Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lib Dem Blog of the Year nominations

Liberal Democrat Voice has all the shortlists.

Despite being the leading individual Lib Dem blog in the Wikio rankings as recently as June, this blog is not nominated in any category.

I am disappointed but not surprised.

On a brighter note, I am no. 69 (fnar fnar) in the Total Politics list.


  1. You don't know the right people. You don't post about Doctor Who. You don't got to conference.

    Don't be disappointed. I personally think your blog is required reading and I read it more than LDV.

  2. Nich's got a point there :)

    Still sod the numbercrunching and backslapping and carry on as you are. I for one appreciate posts about history and Peter Scott's lighthouse and the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band and much prefer Market Harborough to Gallifrey; always an enjoyable read round this part of t' internet.

  3. In fairness, Jonathan, you only qualify for 2 of the 6 categories! And these awards are seriously narcissistic navel-gazing. Your readers love you!

    FWIW I hope Costigan Quist wins for his consistent and searing critique of junk science and junk research in the media and elsewhere.
