Saturday, October 10, 2009

In The Corridor: England party to tour South Africa part 1

I have started writing for the leading cricket blog The Corridor. I shall be covering England's tour of South Africa in satirical style.

My first effort, part 1 of my pen portraits of the England touring party, was posted earlier this afternoon:

James Anderson (Lancashire)

Plucked from his Burnley primary school to join an England tour of Australia some years ago, Anderson has never quite known who he is. Is he a shock bowler or more a purveyor of swing? Would he be better off training as an electrician? This tour should provide answers to these questions.

Peter Tinniswood's books about cricket (Tales from a Long Room and so on) have had a great influence on my writing, as Lord Bonkers' early diaries showed to an embarrassing extent. Still, if you copy enough different people you will become original.

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