Thursday, November 12, 2009

Blogsitting: A new business idea

For the past few weeks I have been contributing the occasional post to The Corridor. This is because its owner is struggling to find the time to blog at the moment, but wants to keep it running. So he has asked a few other cricket fans to help out.

I was talking about this with someone at my writing club this evening, and we hit upon the idea of blogsitting.

It would work like this. If you were going on holiday, busy with your day job or needed a break from blogging then I would offer you the following service. For a fee I would contribute regular posts to your blog reflecting your political views and in your usual style.

Tories, Labourites, Lib Dems, Welsh Nationalists, nihilists. Philosophers, humourists, swear bloggers. Blogsitting can handle them all.


  1. Doctor Who obsessed feminists?

  2. If I had any money, I'd let you find out, just for shits and giggles.

  3. I'm tempted to pay just to see how that would turn out :-)

  4. Satisfaction guaranteed, Mr Calder?

  5. Terms and conditions would apply, naturally.

    Incidentally, what sex are daleks?

  6. Daleks are of undefined gender. They have test tube babies, who stay in the tubes until they get implanted into new travel machines. They could be male or female or hermaphrodite or asexual or anything.

  7. Considering you're one of few other LibDem bloggers who shares my enthusiasm for flying buttresses, obscure prog B-sides, and half-forgotten slow left arm county bowlers, I now know where to entrust the smooth continuity of my blog in the event that I get hit by a bus tomorrow. People would notice something was wrong if I suddenly started harping on about Dr Who and/or comics...

  8. My tone, being quite neutral, would be easy.

    You couldn't emulate my typos and half finished sentances though.

  9. If you don't know what sex Daleks are, I suspect you are getting into deep waters offering to sit Dr Who obsessives' blogs. What if Alex Wilcox takes you upon the offer?
