Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Cameron's Tory critics have an office in Market Harborough

An office in a Market Harborough backwater has been revealed as the headquarters of opposition to David Cameron within the Conservative Party.

Well, not quite.

But I did discover that the Tory East Midlands MEPs have an office in Harborough while out for a walk on Sunday. It is in Three Crowns Yard, just along from Quinn's Bookshop.

And today one of those MEPs, Roger Helmer, is being quoted everywhere today expressing his opposition to David Cameron's decision that an incoming Conservative government would not hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

This is from the Daily Telegraph:

Roger Helmer, a Conservative MEP, also said that Mr Cameron should hold a referendum on the Lisbon measures to give him a mandate for negotiations with the rest of the EU.

“A No vote in a referendum would give an incoming Cons government an enormously strong mandate to renegotiate it," Mr Helmer said. “It would strengthen our hand enormously.”

Incidentally, Helmer and his fellow Tory MEPs seem given to referring to this office as "Ground Floor Suite, Three Crowns Yard". In all honesty, that makes it sound more impressive than it really is.

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