Saturday, January 30, 2010

Gold shops: A sign of the times

This shop has recently opened around the corner from me.

As Ross Clark wrote in the Daily Telegraph last year:
In hard-up Britain, selling the family silver is an act to which more and more of us are being driven. Far from using our homes as cashpoints, as we were little more than a year ago, increasing numbers are being forced to make ends meet by auctioning off the contents. According to a recent survey by the charity Shelter, one in nine British households have had to sell possessions this year to make ends meet.
He also quoted the words of Harold Macmillan on Mrs Thatcher's privatisation programme of the 1980s:
"First of all, the Georgian silver goes. And then all that nice furniture that used to be in the salon. Then the Canalettos…”


  1. Gordon Brown sold most of the countries gold, at rock bottom prices. Now would be the time to sell gold if the Bank of England had any left.

    The places that pay "cash for gold" offer a substancially less than the bulion value of the jewelry, currently at £675/ounce

  2. I have no idea how I could ever engineer a situation where it might happen, but I would love to walk into one of those shops with a Canaletto and try to flog it.

    I suppose you would probably start by asking for the manager...

  3. There has always been 3 or 4 shops in Harborough, plus a stall on the market that offer to buy gold. Is the suggestion that this firm is less reputable? Would you be happier if this shop looked more like on of their others?

  4. Gordon will need to sell a few Canalettos if he is going to pay the Taliban to stop fighting us.

    Then he will need to sell a few Turners, Monets and Rembrandts because as soon as the Taliban fighters have the money someone will pay them to start fighting again.

  5. Macmillan actually said "the the saloon"; a deliberately archaic reference to a room that typically formed part of a Georgian country house's public rooms. All part of the fraud that he was very 'old money'.
