Saturday, February 06, 2010

Six of the Best 1

I seem to be falling out of love with the Britblog Roundup, so let's try a new feature to showcase interesting links I come across while browsing.

How often Six of the Best will appear, I don't know - presumably whenever I have accumulated six links worth posting - but a couple of times a week feels about right.

And the title? Well, this is Liberal England, and what could be more English than corporal punishment?

Anyway, here is the first selection:
  1. Let's start with one for the Lib Dem loyalists. Liberal Democrat Voice has copious quotations from Nick Clegg's interview with Mary Riddell in today's Daily Telegraph and a link to the whole thing.
  2. Stumbling and Mumbling asks if we baby boomers are really the luckiest generation (grammar schools, student grants, cheap houses) and why the young are so quiescent about it if we are.
  3. Anglo-French co-operation on defence is back on the agenda. (Remember David Owen's proposal for a Euro beumb?) Lavengro in Spain writes about a collision, little reported in the British press, between British and French nuclear submarines in the mid Atlantic last year that suggests there may be a way to go yet.
  4. Having pleased the Lib Dems, here are a couple for the Dr Who fans. Craig Murray is to be played by David Tennant in a play for BBC Radio 4. It will be broadcast on 20 February.
  5. And Wartime Housewife, another member of the increasingly influential Market Harborough school of blogging, has some fun with a gas mask. "Are you my Mummy?"
  6. Finally, English Buildings visits the Somerset Levels.


  1. Well, the sub collision was clearly reported here at the time. Clearly this was not a case of it taking two to tango: the British captain should have kept away from the spaces that were reserved by other and not-so-secret subs.

  2. Belated thanks for including me in the first six of the best.

    Keep up the good work.
