Friday, March 12, 2010

Six of the Best 21

  1. Liberal Democrat Voice is very proud of its new How Authoritarian is your MP? website.

  2. With all due respect to Nick Clegg (may he live for ever) and Edward McMillan-Scott, the Lib Dem of the day is Anna Arrowsmith. Heresy Corner will tell you all about her.

  3. Liberal Burblings has the video of David Cameron's bad hair day.

  4. Don't bother asking Diamond Geezer, the sea-green incorruptible of London blogging, to promote your product.

  5. The strange case of Steven Purcell is explained by J. Arthur MacNumpty.

  6. Mike McSharry suggests that you visit the Harborough Museum on Saturday 20 March. Sensible man. I am not sure if that is him in the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jonathan,
    No - that's not me!!

