Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Six of the Best 45

Mark Pack offers seven thoughts on the story of the day: "6. The real story of the caught comments shouldn't be the use of 'bigot' but rather the intolerance Brown seems to have for meeting people who don't agree with him - even if, as in this case, they end up supporters of his. That fits in with many other accounts of his behaviour and matters because disliking people who don't agree with you is far more dangerous - thanks to the group think mentality it encourages - than someone using too blunt language."

While Joe's Extra Bold Blog discusses bigotgate in diagrammatic form.

Another important general election story is identified by Autonomous Mind: "the implosion of UKIP and its leader, Lord Pearson of Rannoch."

Simon Goldie continues his exploration of the idea that a British tea party - or peppermint tea party, because of its Liberal leanings - is emerging.

Is there any point in knocking up postal voters? Birkdale Focus argues that there is, and reports encouraging findings from carrying out the exercise in Southport today.

Finally, a rural note. Unmitigated England recommends Bulls Eggs.


  1. Jonathan,I should clarify that in Birkdale we do our chasing of postal votes by phone concentrating on those who only vote occasionally. I did score some extra posters as well

  2. Can I nominate Southport (as featured in this thread) as the ugliest station rebuild in creation? There, got that off my chest.

    [My views may be coloured by the fact that the last time I was in Southport was on a Saturday in early July, having failed to realise it was Orange Order Marching Day. Some of the marchers were considerably uglier than even the station. That, Mr Brown, is what you call bigoted!]

    Oh, and reminding Postal Voters. Good idea. We were doing it in Crewe in the 1980s!

  3. Peppermint tea? *Liberal* leanings? Do you know why Marxists drink herbal tea? Because proper tea is theft.

  4. Agree about Southport station, but it was Proudhon who didn't approve of proper tea.
