Thursday, May 13, 2010

Supporting the coalition on BBC Radio Leicester

I was interviewed on BBC Radio Leicester this morning about the new coalition government. I shall post a link to it later if I can find it on the station's website.

Billed as the first Lib Dem blogger to call for us to accept David Cameron's offer, I said that I thought I was being very controversial when I wrote that post, but in fact most of the subsequent comment supported my views.

Asked if the coalition agreement represented a watering down of Liberal Democrat policy, I said I was pleased to see so much of our policy in that agreement and pleased to see people like Vince Cable and Chris Huhne where they belong - around the cabinet table.


  1. It seems that Britain is (almost ?) the last European country that has to accept the fact of coalition governments - we in Germany are used to it and I think it's not a bad thing.

    Of course sometimes it's difficult to find a compromise between two partners - at least you Britains won't have a coalition with consists of a dozen parties, that tends to be a bit worrisome ...

    Good luck to the LIbdems, I sincerely hope you get more Liberal ideas into British politics!

  2. I normally think of myself as a Liberal well to left of the Lib Dems and Labour - it's the old NLYL Libertarian Socialist thing basically - but I have no serious problem with this arrangement as the best realistically available.

    Reading some Labour commenters particularly at Anthony Wells' Polling site I get the distinct impression that with talk of a coup d'etat having taken place etc. they've left the planet entirely.I think they've actually contrived to lose 2 elections in a week,the real one that disappointed everybody and a fantasy one that was going to take place 'soon' for some reason and be 'obviously' won by Labour.

    First denial,now anger I suppose but it doesn't bode well for an effective opposition and in particular one which would address those disturbingly high BNP votes in safe Labour seats,often where there are few non-white residents to explain the roots of the problem.
