Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lord Bonkers' Diary: David Laws in his pomp

His lordship wrote this entry just before David Laws' resignation. I once remarked to him that a week is a long time in politics. "Stuff and nonsense," he replied. "Why is a week any longer in politics than in cricket or gold prospecting?"

Nevertheless it does show how long it takes to get a magazine produced and out to its subscribers when you are used to instant publishing on the web.


One of the new Conservative ministerial colleagues puts his head around my door: the poor fellow is in tears! “Can't you do anything about this Laws of yours?” he sobs. “He's cut my departmental budget to ribbons”.

I put a manly arm around his shoulders and pour him a snootful of Auld Johnston, because I know what the new Financial Secretary to the Treasury is like. Some years ago, I asked him to have a look at the finances of the Bonkers' Home for Well-Behaved Orphans and he produced a report urging me to sell the orphans and invest the money in start-up funds in the Far East.

Needless to say, I did no such thing. (I had a word with a bigwig at the Bank of Rutland and he warned me off the Orient for the time being).

Monday: Minister for Outer Space
Tuesday: Coalition in the balance

1 comment:

  1. 20 overs isn't long enough in cricket. I've never prospected for gold.
