Friday, July 02, 2010

Liberal Democrats gain Clee in Shropshire

Photo by Sabine J Hutchinson

Yesterday there was a by-election in the Clee ward of the new unitary Shropshire council.

The result was

Richard Huffer (Liberal Democrat) 946
Conservative 506
Independent 116

Liberal Democrat gain from Conservative

The previous Conservative councillor Paul Andrews resigned after being found guilty of misconduct and suspended for six months.

A.E. Housman adds:

From Clee to heaven the beacon burns,
The shires have seen it plain,
From north and south the sign returns
And beacons burn again.


  1. Was it too difficult to find the Tulse Hill result then? And did the Rainsworth by-election pass you by?

  2. If you were a regular reader you would know I often write about the Shropshire hills and rarely write about Tulse Hill or Rainsworth.

  3. It looks like the Clee division encompasses my Ancestral Home (or at least the house I did the greater part of my growing up in).

    Clee Hill used to be this wonderful place we'd play when I was a wee thing. My parents would drive us up there and feed us a picnic and then Cast Us Out upon the hillside while they sat in the front seats of their car and read their books. We'd roam the hillside and gallivant amongst the springs and brooks, whilst trying not to get too close to the Radar Station.
