Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Severn Valley Railway

Another good thing about Bridgnorth is the Severn Valley Railway, which runs for 16 miles from the town to Kidderminster.

This is one of my favourite preserved lines, not least because it forms a useful link between two towns.

Mind you, the Shropshire Star was recently speculating about the route being extended northwards from Bridgnorth to Ironbridge.


  1. Indeed a lovely idea, but as the official concerned admitted "We’re talking about many millions of pounds of which, at the moment, we don’t have", as a supporter (like me) of the Coalition, you can't really approve!

  2. As it happens, we were talking about preserved railways in the pub this evening, one of our number having been to Toddington today (and I have shares in another one - family link with the area where it runs). He has visited several preserved railways this summer (lucky sod - he's a teacher), and particularly noticed first the youngsters who are now working on those railways - one was the fireman today - second the very high standard with which they turn out the engines and the rolling stock - and third the way in which small children are fascinated by these relics of yesteryear. His nostalgia harks back to his father working on the railways - and, yes, he has been on the Severn Valley and been very impressed.
