Friday, September 10, 2010

Market Harborough's top 10 tweeters

This week's Harborough Mail has a page all about local bloggers and tweeters.

There is a piece on Sian To, her Mummytips blog and recent trip to Bangladesh. There is a piece about me (hem, hem). And there is one about the newspaper's own use of Twitter.

And there is a list of the top 10 tweeters in Harborough:
  1. Mummytips
  2. Joules_Clothing
  3. MrRobTaylor
  4. lordbonkers
  5. danjordan
  6. hoola
  7. euromidlands
  8. benhunt
  9. HarbMail
  10. lostinnotation


  1. who put the harborough mail in the top 10?

    I rarely see anything from them.

  2. Thank you for the mention! See you in NYC!
