Monday, January 24, 2011

Lord Bonkers to the Lib Dem Whips Office?

Living on Words Alone  completes his suggested reshuffle:

There would of course be one vacancy left and given the need for the parliamentary party to put the splits of the tuition fee debacle behind I would bolster the Whips Office (replacing Norman Lamb) with the inestimable Lord Bonkers – the party’s last remaining link to the Liberal landslide government of 1906, Bonkers is the epitome of loyalty to the party over the years, can recite the Areopagitica backwards and comes with unpaid support from Meadowcroft. I’d reckon he’d clampdown on the slightest sniff of rebellions as quickly as you can say ‘counterfactual’.
Lord Bonkers comments exclusively for Liberal England: A splendid idea!

1 comment:

  1. I believe Alistair Carmichael and your honourable self would make an excellent tag team or good/bad cop partnership.
