Monday, January 24, 2011

Sixties radio and sixties trains

Another of those nostalgic videos that combine railway film from the 1960s with hits of the same era. Here steam, diesel and electric locomotive power are accompanied by Radio Luxembourg and Radio Caroline.

Of particular interest to me is the footage of Leicester Central and London Road stations and of the platforms on the north to west curve at Ambergate. You even get a glimpse of Hemel Hempstead station in the 1960s.

Somehow the trains have aged far more quickly than the music.


  1. These are great, more please.

    Needless to say, any video featuring 1960s railways and pirate radio is going to go down well chez burkesworks; but what on earth was a Bulleid Pacific doing at London Road?

  2. Give me steam trains! I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms!

