Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Yes, it's Meerkat Harborough

From the Leicester Mercury:
An advertising agency acting for the Compare The Market insurance website wants to turn Market Harborough into Meerkat Harborough for a day as part of its latest campaign.

It will promote Meerkovo, the mythical Russian village home of Aleksandr – the now infamous meerkat who launched the adverts, along with the "simples" catchphrase, in 2009.

London advertising agency Good Relations is looking to launch a competition to find a twin for Meerkovo, and wants to use Harborough as an example for the TV ad.
Meerkat Weighton? Meerkat Deeping? No, they just won't do. It has to be Meerkat Harborough.


  1. I've always thought Harborough people were a bit 'simples'

  2. Meerkat Bosworth!

  3. With its battlefield, it could stand in nicely as the site of the Great War of Fearlessness...

  4. Yeah well we've got Naseby down the road.

  5. The ancestral pile at the start of the Meerkovo ad is actually Margam Castle with onion domes matted on.

  6. Right, thanks for calling us simple. I can't wait for this to be over and done with, what a stupid idea.
