Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Union Inn, Market Harborough

This is the Union Inn, Market Harborough. You can find it on the Leicester Road - the town's canal basin is just behind it. It is also the pub where I used to do my underage drinking.

It has been closed for some time and now Brooke House College wants to take it over as boarding accommodation for its students. Brook House takes foreign students who want British school qualifications and appears to be taking over the world. It recently bought the ground of Rothwell Town a few miles away as a home for its football academy. At this rate it will be the University of Market Harborough before the year is out.

The Union Inn is the pub's original name - it was named after the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union Canal - but for most of its life it was known as The Six Packs (as in packs of foxhounds). This is because the Market Harborough Union Workshouse was just up the road and the association was not good for business.

I took this photograph yesterday morning before meeting two prominent Liberal Democrat bloggers on their narrowboat.

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