Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The death and rebirth of the Waverley Route

This film shows that last days of the Waverley Route - the direct line from Carlisle to Edinburgh that closed in 1969. Note the reference to the "young local Liberal MP David Steel".

The good news is that the Waverley Route, or at least part of it, is to be reopened. In 2006 the Scottish Parliament voted to reopen the line between Edinburgh and Tweedbank near Galashiels.

When that vote was passed it was said that trains would be running again by this year. A more recent report in Railway Gazette suggests that the scheduled date for reopening is now 2014.


  1. Good Lord, it's a Clayton Type 1! Not so much a locomotive, more an act of industrial sabotage.

  2. So what's holding them up? The English (remember that Whitehall's writ runs on all of UK railways except NI) or the finance?
