Friday, May 27, 2011

Guido Fawkes leads another journalist astray

Yesterday I wrote a post poking gentle fun at Guido Fawkes for claiming that an "emergency meeting" of Eastleigh Liberal Democrats had taken place the previous evening. His claim resulted in the ITV reporter Chris Ship banging on the doors of an empty constituency office.

Guido left a reply in the comments saying:
FYI BBC's Peter Henley was waiting for Huhne at the Eastleigh Civic Centre LD meeting.
But that was not how Peter Henley saw it...

If you want to know what was really going on in Eastleigh on Wednesday night, read Liberal Democrat Voice:
Was it a Liberal Democrat meeting? No, it was a meeting of the Eastleigh and the Bishopstoke, Fair Oak and Horton Heath Local Area Committees to which council officers and non-Liberal Democrat councillors were invited.
And the most important item on the agenda was not Chris Huhne's expenses but a cycle path.

I suspect journalists may be a little more wary of Guido's scoops in future.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, Guido's main skill is mischief making which he is doing masterfully over Chris Huhne. The truth is relative ...
