Monday, June 20, 2011

Jonathan Wallace to live off spam for a fortnight

Lib Dem councillor (and erstwhile blogger) Jonathan Wallace is to spend two weeks living off the diet allowed to British civilians during the Second World War.

He told the Newcastle-based Evening Chronicle:
“I want to hear from as many people as possible about how they coped during the ration period.

“I also want to hear how they made their meagre rations more interesting, and I would like them to send me recipes as I’m planning to go on a ration book diet to see what it was like for myself.

“I would love to try some of the recipes people send me,” he added.

“I’ve also bought a wartime recipe book for Spam. It has over 100 recipes.”
The serious point, as Jonathan says, is that if food is going to become more expensive then we are going to have to learn to be far less wasteful.


  1. If I wasn't a vegetarian I'd do the same. Spam - splendiferous stuff!

  2. I think that somehow my family did quite well in the war - my parents were in the wholesale end of the inland fresh fish market, but somehow fruit and veg crept in. How about some £200 banked from the sale of oranges in May/June 1942, £2200 in October, £1000 green veg in June 43, £1700 onions in Oct 42? And that's not counting the counterfoils that are not annotated: £30K total over 15 months...

  3. A spam comment on a comment about spam. very postmodern.

  4. @Dreamingspire

    Detective Foyle is on his way over...
