Monday, July 11, 2011

Lembit Opik's latest reality TV series

A reader kindly draws my attention to the latest television appearance by former Lib Dem MP and London Mayoral wannabee Lembit Opik.

He is appearing in cariad@iaith (which I am reliably informed translates Love for Language) on S4C, nightly this week (8.30/9.00 Sky 134, English subtitles available).

The programme's website describes it as follows:
Eight celebrities are set to spend an intense week learning Welsh in an eco-friendly chic campsite in Pembrokeshire.
Among Lembit's fellow contestants are Colin Charvis and Helen Lederer.

My reader comments (a little acidly):
One might ponder that such a course might have been more appropriate before securing Montgomery rather than after losing it.


  1. You would be astonished how many Welsh speakers live in London. There is even a Welsh medium school.

  2. Since no records are kept it is difficult to know how many Welsh speakers there are in London. There is one small Welsh-medium primary school.

    I doubt that Lembit's week in West Wales would have much impact on his mayoral vote!

  3. I was being ironic. I take it that the census does not pose the question as to whether one speaks Welsh in England!

  4. Have you watched cariad@iaith? Have you ever tuned in to S4C? Did you know there were English subtitles for monoglots who are unable to follow the Welsh language? If you did bother watching cariad@iaith, you would realize that they are staying in Fforest and having a wonderful time, enjoying themselves as much as we enjoy watching them. Learning Welsh would broaden your horizons and enrich your life, whether or not you are the Mayor of London or not. Try it and see.
