Saturday, July 02, 2011

Six of the Best 171

Disgruntled Radical asks how many people the police will exclude from this autumn's Liberal Democrat Confernce. A clue to the answer may be that the Greater Manchester Police barred 24 people from last year's Labour Conference.

"There can be no escaping that this result is a disastrous one. No amount of spin or massaging the statistics can escape the truth. Unlike in May, we can not even blame a further surge in the SNP vote for the spectacular collapse. The outcome is due as much, if not more, to our own weaknesses, failings and public perception of us than to the genius of other parties’ campaigning tactics." A Scottish Liberal feels so strongly about the result of the Inverclyde by-election that he has to use bold type.

Ask for expenses as an intern and you are unlikely to get the post, even when it is with " a prominent lesbian/bisexual lifestyle magazine". Her sins were scarlet, but her blog was Red reports an unhappy experience.

A video of Jonathan Meades excoriating Donald Trump can be found on Living on Words Alone.

The Age of Uncertainty tells us how it would set about saving Waterstone's.

"Could there be three-pound carp living in streams hidden underneath Manhattan buildings, or is this the fishy equivalent of the fantasy alligators that always lurk but never emerge from the sewers of New York?" Read National Public Radio and judge for yourself.

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