Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

The British Psychological Society (for whom I happen to work) is making its 2010 report Understanding Bipolar Disorder available for free download until 12 August. [Later. And for some time afterwards too.]

As one of the authors says:
“Much has been written about the biological aspects of bipolar disorders: this report aims to redress the balance by concentrating on the psychological aspects, both in terms of how we understand the problems and also approaches to help and treatment. 
We hope this report will influence the way in which services are delivered, so that more people have access to psychological treatments and that services will no longer insist that users accept one particular view of their problem.”


  1. Followed a link from Stephen Fry on Twitter to get here. THanks for putting the word out, will read the document with great interest.

  2. Wonderful to see there is more information out there for people to start understanding mental health, instead of stigmatising it all the time

  3. Is there a way I can upload this to our in-house Moodle-alike, or do I need a different licence?
    If that isn't possible, I'll direct our Adult Mental Health Social Workers to the BPS site.

  4. I also came to read the document on bipolar via Stephen Fry and want to say thank you. It is so informative. One of the best I have read.
