Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kerching! Pay rises proposed for Leicester's Mayor, his deputies and all the city's councillors

From today's Leicester Mercury:
City mayor Sir Peter Soulsby is set to get a £44,000 pay rise, it has been revealed. 
His current wage of £56,000 will jump to £100,000, if the increase is approved by the city council. 
Sir Peter's deputy, Rory Palmer, is due to see his pay rise by £41,000, from £34,000 to £75,000, while the six assistant mayors are likely to see their annual income rise from £26,000 to £40,000. The remaining 47 city councillors are in line for a 20 per cent pay rise, too, with the basic councillor allowance set to increase from £10,000 to £12,000. 
The proposals have been put forward by the council's independent remuneration panel and will be voted on by councillors next week.
No doubt Leicester's 54 city councillors, 52 of whom are from the Labour Party, will vote against these ludicrous proposals at the first opportunity.

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